The Power of Direct Primary Care: A Story of Timely Assistance

I'm glad to have the opportunity to speak about a topic that might seem straightforward but holds significant importance in healthcare: having a direct primary care physician. Many of us might think, "I'm healthy; I don't need to see a doctor regularly," but let me share a recent story that highlights the invaluable benefits of accessible care, even for the healthy among us.

Let me introduce you to Tim, a healthy 31-year-old man with no chronic conditions. Like many of us, Tim only saw his doctor once a year for a routine check-up. Recently, he noticed a cyst on the upper back, which had been gradually growing over the years but hadn't caused any problems until now.

Tim decided to visit a dermatologist for a routine cyst removal. The procedure went smoothly, and there were no initial concerns. However, a few days later, I received a picture from his wife showing that the surgical site was starting to split apart.

The progressive splitting of Tim’s surgical scar after his cyst removal.

Normally, in such situations, the patient would return to the dermatologist who performed the procedure for repair. Unfortunately, his dermatologist wasn't available when he called the dermatology office. Tim's only option would have been to go to the emergency room to get the site repaired, which can be time-consuming, costly, and sometimes unnecessary.

However, Tim had something that many people don't: a direct primary care physician. This meant he could easily access medical care when he needed it most. Instead of heading to the ER, Tim was able to see me promptly. With the necessary skills and equipment, I was able to repair the site with simple sutures, saving him from a potentially arduous trip to the hospital.

The site of Tim’s cyst during and after the suture repair by Dr. Ivey.

Now, you might be thinking, "Well, that's just one example." And you're right. But the key here is that you don't need a direct primary care physician until you do. Even if you're healthy, unexpected situations like Tim's can arise, and having easy access to a doctor who knows you and can take care of you when you need it can make all the difference.

Direct primary care isn't just about treating illnesses; it's about providing comprehensive and proactive healthcare. It's about building a relationship with your physician so that they understand your health history, your concerns, and your needs. It's about having peace of mind knowing that you have someone to turn to when medical issues arise, no matter how big or small.

So, let Tim's story serve as a reminder that investing in direct primary care isn't just for the sick; it's for everyone who values their health and wants the assurance of timely and personalized care.


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